Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Something nice.
Boo-Boo Kitty-FucK?
{Justice laughs}
OK, that`s a start.

Jay, uh, before you go...
could you say something into
the camera about the clitoris?

Man, you`re such a bitch!

Shut up, Justice.
She`s just a little embarrassed.

See, Jussy and l are putting
together this documentary...

for our human sexuality class...
and we need a male perspective
on the clitoris.

The female clitoris?
Uh, yeah.
Jay, you Know,
you don`t have to do this.

No, it`s cool, hon.
There`s a few things
l could say about the clit...

l`d liKe you to hear.
{Jay clears throat}
l am the master of the clit!
Remember this fucKing face!
Wherever you see clit,
you`ll see this fucKing face.

l make that shit work!
No one rules the clit liKe me.
Not this little fucK...
none of you little fucKs
out there.

l am the clit commander!
When it comes down
to business...

this is what l do--
l pinch it like this.

Ooh, you little fucK.
Then l rub my nose...
KnocK `em dead, tiger.

-Oh, l will.

So, you thinK l could get
a little Kiss for good lucK?

ThinK l can get a little
blow job for good lucK?

No. Go.
JA Y: Get offmy Kool-Aid,

Jussy, come on.
{Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh}
