Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

{Horn buzzing}
{Police radio squawKing}
You mind if l leave that...

ls that...
My, oh, my, oh, my.
Who let the cats out, huh?
Wait. ls that...
MAN: Excuse me.
Who the hell are you?
Federal Wildlife Marshal.
This investigation`s now
under my jurisdiction.

Oh, really?
And why is that?

Because someone let
a whole mess of animals...

out of their cages, sir.
We believe that was just
a diversionary tactic...

used to call attention
away from the real heist...

over here
at the Diamond Exchange.

{ChucKles} Yeah, right.
That`s a believable scenario.

Sounds more liKe something
out of a bad movie.

OFFlCER: Sir...
the ProvasiK people
say they rounded up...

all their animals
except for one--an orangutan.

The most dangerous animal
Known to man.

Sir, this was just delivered
to the station.

What is--what is it--
what is it?

A tape of the terrorists
who claim responsibility...

for the breaK-in.
Do you have a VCR?
l am the clit commander.

Oh, my God.
PlaschKe, Willenholly.
Yeah, looK, l need you to get
me on the national news pronto.

Why? Because we may
very well be dealing...

with the two most dangerous men
on the planet.

This is Jussy`s monKey.
Justice died for you,
you little monKey fucK!

Do something, Tons of Fun.
Holy fucK.
ls that thing waving at us?
Holy shit, it understood us.
Maybe it`s some Kind
of super monKey.

You`re my fucKin` bitch.
You get my bacK.
