
We have a gig in Jyväskylä
Dad's going to be very disappointed
I don't sell the gigs.
I'm taking a shower

Would the old man lend me a shirt?
- He went downstairs to shave

I'll bring you a shirt.
Tell him to hurry up

We also need some time
to get into party gear

Mom, can I see you for a minute?
- I'll set out this cake first

Would you play me the ''Nickel Coin''?
It has such a funny chorus

So how much do you need?
I have a couple of rents due.
We haven't had any gigs for a while

A few thousand. Maybe five
Listen, I put so much money
into the party

I can't spare anything
until the end of the month

Ah, well. Too late by then.
I got an eviction notice

I simply don't have any
When are you going to learn
to stand on your own feet?

And I won't let you spoil dad's party!
Promise me you won't
ask him for money

Yeah, yeah, I promise
