
Yes, can be done...
Girls! No cigarette breaks together

Shit, you're wearing my
favorite blouse!

And my pants.
Did I give you permission?

I wanted to wear them at
the Galaxy tonight!

Sorry. All my clothes were still wet
Hey, you can borrow my black dress.
-I fucking hate you

Now haul your ass off the bench
and get to work!

Virve, I'm so in love
My Shag is so, so wonderful!
-Kalle. I call him Shag

I can guess why.
But get moving, now! -Virve

I only got a couple of hours of sleep
last night

I came at least six times
I lost count.
I thought it was at least twenty

I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming!
They could hear you way out in
the square. I didn't sleep a wink

My jaws are a bit stiff...
Have you ever tried...
-If you don't come now I'll slap you

You should give up celibacy, Virve.
It makes you uptight

Yessiree... there's a few orders
ahead of you...

Hold on...
Capone and francescana!

Capone and francescana, Virve!
- The spicy hot and crispy has...

... onion and tomato...
can you hold on...

I'll be darned if you don't
get your ass behind the counter!

I'm not putting up with this much longer!
