Mauvais sang

I'm off to the coast tomorrow...
and I'm leaving you
all my books.

And Lise, too.
She's a great girl. I really
love her, and she loves me.

She already lights her fags
like me.

She must owe nothing
to anyone, anyone!

I'm leaving her, and
I don't know how to tell her.

You call her, Thomas,
and take care of her.

Little Lise, I'm going away!
First to the coast,
and then we'll see.

One single change
can bring about a total change.

One severed bond
can sever all others.

It's like a crime,
and I'm the killer.

I left my gun at the scene
of the crime...

but you must be wiped clean
of my prints.

I know your youth will preserve
your puzzled incomprehension.

That's good.
I'm off.
Lise, don't wait for time
to pass. Forget me at top speed.

Sleep with boys and with men.
I remember your first drawing.
One of your best.
With the title--

"When a girl spreads her legs...
"her secrets fly away
like butterflies."

But no lovemaking
without precautions.
