
I picture you on the beach with
a surfboard, looking like a Greek god.

I don't know about you, Pia,
but I'm sick and tired of this place.

We should go away
for six months or so.

I'll buy you
one of those green cocktails.

Hope it isn't the water pump.
They cost a fortune to replace.

In Norway it costs a month's salary
just to go out for a weekend.

The least we could get
was some snow.

Look at this green grass of home.
I'm goddamned fed up with it.

Why do you live here?
Because of a girl I met at
a track-and-field event in England.

I came back here with her.
Got an offshore job on a platform.

And that's why I'm here now.
What happened to her?
I get depressed thinking about it.
Let's try firing up the car again.

Hi, Stian!
