
How dare you come here, huh?
You want to kill us all?
Give me back my eye!
Give it to me!


You told us you would give us a boat,
didn't you?

What good is the Princess of the Ming Empire
when she can't even get us a small boat!!

Your words brought us here.
where is the damned boat?!
Why did you hit me? Why??
Why the hell did you hit me?
Then, hit me! Hit me more!
Don't blame the Princess,
Everything was my decision.
The general will take responsibility?
How can you take responsibility
for a situation like this?

We just have to send the Princess out
alone - why can't we do that!?

Why don't you just sent her out?!
That's enough...
Let me go, you son of a bitch!
Someone has to tell the
Princess about this!

Shut up!
Daejung! Don't stop them...
It's better them to say what's on their minds.

General, what are they talking about?
You are all cowards.
Then let's just cut the Princess's head off.
You keep out of this.
If we hang her head outside the fortress
wall, they might turn back.

If you all wish, I'll do that.
Interpreter, what's Yeesol saying?
I order you to tell me!
That you should be sent to the enemy.
Shut your mouth!
