
This is Blom. Race: Mutt,
But loyal and a full of character.

You are Pieter Jelles, the Frisian poet?
- Indeed, miss.

You know my verses?
Do you still remember that silent field
where the flowers grew wildly

where the Lark sings in the morning
and the little fish frolics.

Did you hear that, Blom?
We we're quoted to.

- This ball is sometimes
sarcasticly referred to as...

a 'market of marriage'
for the upper class.

- Those are lies ofcourse.
Lies made up by jalous lowerclass folk.

Aren't you going a bit fast with this?
- I'm truly sorry for the ladies but
l have to admit that...

...I have already been sold
at the beginning of the 'market'

I wish you all a good time...
...and especially,
some successful 'transactions'.

I thank you.
He may be a brillian student...
- But?

In Dokkum in boarding school l allready
wrote short stories and poems.

The Administrator said l had talent.
They're just experiments.

I'd like to read them.
What are they about?
