
- This ball is sometimes
sarcasticly referred to as...

a 'market of marriage'
for the upper class.

- Those are lies ofcourse.
Lies made up by jalous lowerclass folk.

Aren't you going a bit fast with this?
- I'm truly sorry for the ladies but
l have to admit that...

...I have already been sold
at the beginning of the 'market'

I wish you all a good time...
...and especially,
some successful 'transactions'.

I thank you.
He may be a brillian student...
- But?

In Dokkum in boarding school l allready
wrote short stories and poems.

The Administrator said l had talent.
They're just experiments.

I'd like to read them.
What are they about?

About love, l presume?
About what then?
- About nature.

How can it be that a beautiful,
special woman like yourself...

...has never had
a person to love.

I've waited.
- Waited?

For you.
You've waited for me?
And for this kiss.
