Someone Like You

Excuse me. Why didn't you...
Why didn't you return my calls?

You mean the calls that came
after the call you didn't make?

This is not true.

It's so true.
Will you stop
for just a moment?

- Hey, Jane.
- Listen, I know it was inexcus...

- Good morning!
- Hi, Jane. Ray.

- There's a reason I didn't showup that night.
- I'm sure there is.

And you know what?
I couldn't possibly care less.

So let's forget about it.

I don't suppose you're
interested in hearing me out.

You know what, Ray?
The truth is...

You did me a favor.

Any delusions I may have still
had about you, they're gone now.

It was a gift.
You released me.

- For the first time in months, I feel great.

- Staff meeting in my office in two minutes.
- Okay, be right there.

Uh, what's wrong?
Diane's wearing your shirt.
The shirt I bought you
on the sidewalk.

So, does that mean
that the, uh...

- the two of you are...
- Seeing each other again.

- Yes. That's what I've been trying to explain.
- Wait. Stop.

Did you say, "Again"?
I should have told you
a long time ago,

but Diane insisted
on keeping it quiet.

- We got back together right
before New Year's and...
- Oh...

and we went away for a couple of days, and
it was terrible
of me to not call, but I...

Ray, I've got
Tony Robbins on line three!

- Ohh! Go on.
- I'm really sorry, Jane.

Hey, what is it?
