Someone Like You

I used to feel that if I
kept my heart to myself,

If I never let him know how much I needed
that he would never leave me.

Well, guess what?
He did.

And I lived in a private,
pathetic puddle...

until I couldn't
stand it anymore,

And so you know what I did?
I showed up at his doorstep...

with two corned beef sandwiches
on rye, lightly toasted,

and I told him that
I was lost without him.

You said that?
Pretty progressive, huh?
And I'm happy. Go figure.

I never thought
I'd be happy.

And you believe her?
This is true love?
This is what we all should be looking for?

That is the most tragic thing
I've ever heard.

We're talking about a woman whose boyfriend
was screwing you in order to get away from her.

And she's the authority
on romance?

The only reason she believes
that crap is because she has to.

She's an old cow.
Truth is all we need to do
is adjust our radar a bit.

You know, learn to be attracted to
men we're simply not attracted to.

Whoa. Hang on.
What are you talking about?

Well, for example, normally...
I might be attracted
to a guy like you.

But thanks to Dr. Charles, I've learned
to control my passion for testosterone,

and now I can proudly say...
that I no longer find you
in the least bit desirable.

Oh, gee.
That's swell.

I need a drink.
Does she have any
idea that she's completely insane?

No. She's right. Diane is an old
cow. He cannot go back to her.

Okay, that's it.
Jane, these are people,
not cows!
