Sordid Lives

[ singing: Now there's trouble
coming down the chute ]

[ singing: To take our first breath ]
[ singing: And we struggle for acceptance
from birth to death ]

[ singing: But the Lord's too busy
trying to keep the world on its feet ]

[ singing: He ain't got time to give a damn
about what goes on between the sheets ]

[ singing: Ain't it a bitch ]
[ singing: Sorting out our sordid lives ]
[ singing: It's a bitch
when you come to realize ]

[ singing: Crack yourself a box
of CrackerJack ]

[ singing: You can get a really shitty prize ]
[ singing: It's a bitch sorting out
our sorry, little ]

[ singing: Sordid lives ]
- ] Oh, yeah ] ]
- [ Clapping ]

- That's real good, Bitsy.
- Thank you, Juanita.

When I was a kid, I was fat.
[ Horn Honking ]
A fat boy.
[ Sighs ]

That's what the other kids
used to call me.

I just wish they could see
my ass today, 'cause I've worked
really hard on my ass, you know?

[ Sighs ]

One year--
I think I was in the fifth grade--
my mama took me shopping
for school clothes...

and I had gotten fatter.
I had to try on jeans.
Well, the only ones that would fit
were the husky ones, you know?

They had that label on the back
that said ""Husky.''

It was kind of announced
to everyone behind me I was a husky.

I started crying.
I didn't want everybody
to know I was a husky.

And my mama...
