Suchwiin bulmyeong

That's disgusting!
Pull it down, quick!

What's wrong?
This is as good as a medal...

You think anyone gets a medal?

Arrogant asshole!
You who come from licking
Yankee asses...

Still. I've never killed anyone!
Whenever you open
your mouth it's the war

Are you so proud of killing
three men of our same blood?
Tell me!

Sergeant Kim!
Are you so proud of shooting
three men dead?

Bastard, don't even know who's
on top and who's at the bottom!

That's why you always
have dog blood on your hands!

Sure! Let's see
if you don't sell your mutt to me!

Care to lay some money down?
Who's betting at this
sacred archery field?

You're talking shit!
In the old days, a butcher
like you wouldn't be
allowed to shoot arrows!

Only wealthy farmers could!
Times have gotten better...
even a meat-hacking bastard
gets to shoot arrows...

God-dammit! A meat-hacker!
You done talking?
You guys have to fight
every time you meet?

That's enough, people
You want to see me grab
a dog right now?

Patience, got to be patient
Just let him be
He's asking for it! Shit!
All he's got is that dingy pride of his

You gonna play a game?
You go first!
