
And what favour are you asking from
my husband in exchange?

I would like you to speak
to your daughter.

My daughter is the High Consort.
The High Consort. Exactly so.
Ask her to talk to her husband.
You mean His Majesty?
His Majesty, yes, His Majesty.
I want her to tell him that
I have some Chinese cannons to sell
If your daughter, the High Consort,
speaks to His Majesty on my behalf

how can he refuse?
And I will give you a commission
of ten per cent.

I, Captain Raj Saneha,
retired officer.

Pledge my allegiance to Prince Tien
on behalf of myself and all my men

Why did you leave the army?
Because I wouldn't prostrate myself
before Lord Yommaraj

All those who refused to
grovel to him

were dismissed from service
And now you wish
to serve the Prince?

To Prince Tien
I can submit willingly

without a moment's hesitation
