The Curse of the Jade Scorpion

What do you think?
If I happen to pass away
while we're doing anything,

just have the embalmer
leave the smile on my face.

- [Phone Ringing]
- Perfect timing.

I'll slip into something a little more
comfortable, wait for you in bed.

More comfortable than that? What are
you going to put on, Jergens lotion?

- Hello?
- [ Magician ] Constantinople.

You are in the power
of the Jade Scorpion.

You will proceed to
the Dill worth mansion.

You will enter and open the safe.
Have you ever heard of an Indian book
called the Kama Sutra?

I'm sorry, Laura, but we're going to
have to postpone our little rendezvous.

- Pardon me?
- I just recalled a previous engagement.

I hope you don't mind.
The doorman will get you a taxi.

- I had a wonderful evening.
Thank you very much.
- You are jokin', of course.

I'll turn around and you can get
dressed, and please try and hurry.

- I'm rather pressed for time.
- Have you got a loose screw?

Tonight was very meaningful to me.

I'll always think of it
in a very cherished way.

If you're in the neighborhood again,
drop in.

What's come over you?
Should you want any peanuts
to snack on on the way home,

I think I have a whole dish
of them in the other room.

You hate women, don't you?
Not at all. Actually,
they're a splendid gender.

Really. A very pleasant variation.
I should have known.
I should have known.

A mousy little clerk like you,
just chasing your entire life
after criminals.

- I should have known.
- No, Laura, don't be cross.

Do drop in again in the springtime.
The oleander will be in bloom.

I'm going! I'm getting out!
I'm not used to getting kicked out of a
man's bed, but it could have been worse.

You're very sick, you know?
Thanking you in advance
for understanding, Laura.
