The Curse of the Jade Scorpion

Don't worry. I don't.
What are you so upset about?
We'll get the guy.

Can you believe she talked Magruder
into hiring these two jerks?

You've been moping around all day.
It's not like you.
What's goin' on?

- Al, I got a confession to make.
- What?

I woke up this morning. I found
this on the floor in my apartment.

- Yeah, so?
- I have no memory of being
with anybody last night.

Come on. How many times has that
happened to everybody?

You pick up a broad. You knock off
a bottle of booze. You're in the sack.

- So you didn't remember.
- There was also an empty bottle
of vodka on the floor.

- I don't drink vodka.
- All the more reason you blacked out.

Vodka does funny things to a person.
Believe me.

I've gotten up with some pretty
strange- looking heads under my arm.

I can't figure it out. There's
something wrong. I came back here.

[CW'. s Voice] I wanted
to check something in my office.

That I remember clearly.
This was about 9:00.
Hey, wait a minute. I ran into--
Wait a minute.

- What are you thinkin'?
- Of course.

No wonder I thought
it was an inside job.

But not inside with the Dillworths
or the Kensingtons.

- It's inside our company.
- What?

It's so obvious.
Why didn't I see it right away?

Are you kiddin'? Who?
Mize, Bond and me.

We're the only ones who have
access to your security setups.

Yeah, and what if somebody
else was given access?

What if someone
we don't know as well...

because she hasn't worked here
as long as we've been here?

- Fitzgerald?
- Why not?

Why not? My God.
We've had female jewel thieves before.

She's always saying she can
do anything a man can do.

I don't think she meant stealing.
What do we know about her?

You know, she has expensive tastes.
She wears good jewelry.
