The Curse of the Jade Scorpion

And over a jerk like Magruder.
He's not a jerk. He's wonderful.
He's twice the man you are, you roach.

Don't you see? He gives you these
stories so he can get into your pants.

- He's not gonna leave his wife.
- You witnessed my humiliation.

The only humiliating thing
is how this guy takes advantage
of a smart woman like you.

You're not fit to discuss
Chris Magruder.

Look at this. She still loves the guy.
I can't believe it.

Get out before I call the police
and have you arrested
for breaking and entering.

I'm not letting you alone here tonight.
Are you crazy? Look at you.

I'd ask if you had any friends,
but I know the answer.

- [ Groans ]
- Give me this. Jesus. What--

What-- [ Groans ]

- Are you okay?
- [ Sniffles ]

- Hello?
- Oh.

[ Sighs ]

- [Liquid Pouring]
- What the hell Are you doing here?

I'm making coffee.
Oh, God!
It's all coming back to me now.

You came here last night because
you thought I stole some jewels!

This happens to be
a very confusing case.

I'll say you're confused.
Why didn't you go home to sleep?

- Are you kidding?
- And let you do something crazy?
- Like what?

Like take a swan dive out the window.
How do you know I wouldn't take
a swan dive with you here?

- Because I watched over you.
- You stayed up all night watching me?

That's exactly right. Yes.
And you snore like a grizzly bear
with a sinus condition.

I had a bad moment last night.
I'm fine now.

- You talk in your sleep.
- You probably took notes,
- you suspicious little inchworm.

- Who's Rita?
- Rita's the woman
- my ex-husband ran away with.

- Anything else?
- You certainly know how to pick men.

Check your sex.
There's not a lot to pick from.
