The Curse of the Jade Scorpion

- [Liquid Pouring]
- What the hell Are you doing here?

I'm making coffee.
Oh, God!
It's all coming back to me now.

You came here last night because
you thought I stole some jewels!

This happens to be
a very confusing case.

I'll say you're confused.
Why didn't you go home to sleep?

- Are you kidding?
- And let you do something crazy?
- Like what?

Like take a swan dive out the window.
How do you know I wouldn't take
a swan dive with you here?

- Because I watched over you.
- You stayed up all night watching me?

That's exactly right. Yes.
And you snore like a grizzly bear
with a sinus condition.

I had a bad moment last night.
I'm fine now.

- You talk in your sleep.
- You probably took notes,
- you suspicious little inchworm.

- Who's Rita?
- Rita's the woman
- my ex-husband ran away with.

- Anything else?
- You certainly know how to pick men.

Check your sex.
There's not a lot to pick from.

And you mentioned my name too.
I thought you were awake.

- You said that I should rot in hell.
- I was probably awake.

I figured you were feeling better.
Now, if you'll go, I gotta
be at work in 30 minutes, and
don't gossip about what you saw.

Nobody's gonna gossip.
I couldn't care less about your
life. It means nothing to me.

I couldn't stand you when I met you,
and I can't stand you now.

I find you obnoxious and pompous--
Do me a favor.

When you see me in the office-- do me
a favor-- walk the other way, okay?

And if Magruder tells you
he's gonna leave his wife,

if I were you,
I would keep my legs crossed.

Don't choke on your breakfast
and die of as phyxiation.

You'll wind up unable to
dislodge a large piece of toast,
no matter how hard you cough.

Mr. Magruder, you sent for--
Oh. If you'll all open
your hymn books to page 90--

Sit down, C.W.
We have a situation.

Your brother looks good.
The embalmer did nice work.
