The Day the World Ended

-You don't want him to see this.
-Sure, all right.

-I'll be back in a few minutes.
-Let him out!

Shit. Wait a minute.
Hold up there. This is a crime scene.
You shouldn't be here.

-What happened to her?
-It was an accident.

-You called this a crime scene.
-All right, here's the thing.

This is official police business.
I'm asking you to leave.

So much for keeping a small town safe.
I told you. I don't like pancakes.
-So? Your dad said to watch you.
-That's just what we're doing.

Stop looking at us and eat up, scout.
It's possible it was an accident.
I mean, animals could've
eaten her face off, right?

There's no bite or scratch marks.
It looks like her face was just...

-Did Ed Turner see anything?
-Why would he?

Come on, it was Tuesday night.
Everybody knows he bangs
Divelbuss every Tuesday.

Okay, l'm-- He did tell me he saw
something here last night.

-"Something"? You mean someone.
-No, l mean something.

But he was in a goddamn panic,
raving about some huge creature.

Ed wins most original story for
getting caught with his pants down.

I just can't go accusing people.
I know everybody.
