The Day the World Ended

It's possible it was an accident.
I mean, animals could've
eaten her face off, right?

There's no bite or scratch marks.
It looks like her face was just...

-Did Ed Turner see anything?
-Why would he?

Come on, it was Tuesday night.
Everybody knows he bangs
Divelbuss every Tuesday.

Okay, l'm-- He did tell me he saw
something here last night.

-"Something"? You mean someone.
-No, l mean something.

But he was in a goddamn panic,
raving about some huge creature.

Ed wins most original story for
getting caught with his pants down.

I just can't go accusing people.
I know everybody.
Well, almost everybody.
-We ain't open yet.
-I'm not hungry.

I saw you through the window.
I'm sorry about what happened
in my office.

It's okay.
His dad don't want him
talking to strangers.

He's talking to you, isn't he?
l've never met anyone stranger.

I don't want you to be in trouble
so l'll talk. Nod your head yes...

...when it's yes. And you shake
your head no when it's no.

You know what happened
in school today?
