The Last Castle

cannot exceed
the following morning's horn.

Prisoner Irwin,
you are absolutely right.

Thank you for bringing that
to my attention.

- Captain. Captain.
- Yes, sir.

Prisoner Irwin,
under no circumstances...

is an inmate allowed to make
physical contact with an officer.

You have violatedthe
U.S.M.C.F. Manual of Conduct.

And this violation
requires discipline.

What's going on?
- Winter's got him
on rock-and-roll detail.
- Is he not going to make it?

No way. Three-two against.
Come on, you guys.
Those stones weigh 25 pounds a piece.

It's gonna be 85 degrees by noon.
We have 2,000 percent humidity.
The guy's not going to make the day.

- Everyone paid up this week?
- Yeah, we're good.

Put mine in,
double or nothing against.
No way he's gonna make it.

- Beaupre, 12.
- [Yates]Double or nothing, against.

Hey, hey, hey.
[ Continues, Indistinct ]

Who's down for ten?

At least take some water.
If you're dehydrated, you're gonna drop.

-Canhe take it off, boss?
- Captain?
