The Lost Empire

would lead an expedition down here
to find the lost manuscript.

That's how your world gets saved.
It was such a great plan,
which you completely messed up!

Why does my world need to be saved?
Oh, you haven't noticed, huh?
It's starting to fall apart.
Buildings disappearing,
clocks running backwards.

Alright...alright. First things first.
Where am I?

You're inside the Emperor Huangdi's
underground tomb

where he recreated all China.
The original manuscript of "Journey
to the West" was stolen centuries ago

by the same demons who
imprisoned me here.

Then they cast a spell
which would destroy the book
in five hundred years.

Wait...a spell that takes
five hundred years

to destroy one book?
It's a very powerful book.
If the demons succeed
the world as you know
it will cease to exist.

And when is this five hundred years up?
Midnight...this Thursday.
I'm obviously just feeling guilty about...
the whole Terracotta Warrior
theme park.

I'm having a bad dream.
I'm just going to walk around
until my alarm goes off.

Okay. See you soon.
Oh, back so soon, Scholar.
Alright. What do I have to do
to get you out of there?

I didn't hear anyone say please.
Please...and thank you.
For acting like a...
An Unenlightened being.
:17:22 to set me free you
must destroy the mountain.

How am I supposed to do that?
Climb to the top
and stop up the energy beam
which holds up the Floating Rock.

All the way up there with
that thing on my tail?

You do have a weapon, don't you?
Oh great. No weapon.
Oh, that was impressive.
Any other ideas?
I think you should run...
Oh, that's brilliant.

Monkey! So something!
Use your magic!

God...why did I ever become
a China scholar?
