The Lost Empire

You cannot stop this.
We can change the present,
even the future

but never the past.
The Chief of the censors was
Chung-Shing Shu.

Enemies of the Middle Kingdom!
He made certain no one
wrote any new stories...

You have spewed filth...
...on pain of death.
...and called it art.
Your writings weaken the moral fiber
of our kingdom.

Now, we will correct your thinking

All his life, author Wu had tried
to obey the censors.

But when he grew old, he decided
to set down

the tales he had heard
from the common people.

About a naughty Monkey god
and his adventures.

A book he called,
Journey to the West.

But Shu's gang of critics,
the Five Traditional Masters

heard from their spies about author
Wu's forbidden book.

Artists are like insects.
Swat a few, and more fly out
of the dung heap.

Take Author Wu's manuscript away.
And, of course, kill him.
What, what are you doing?
Oh, let me go!

He cannot hear you.
I can't just watch!
We've got to do something.
Wu gave up his life that night
for his writing.

But Shu soon discovered that
even fire could not destroy this book...
that its powers were greater than
he had ever imagined.

When it comes to decadent art
