The Lost Empire

heard from their spies about author
Wu's forbidden book.

Artists are like insects.
Swat a few, and more fly out
of the dung heap.

Take Author Wu's manuscript away.
And, of course, kill him.
What, what are you doing?
Oh, let me go!

He cannot hear you.
I can't just watch!
We've got to do something.
Wu gave up his life that night
for his writing.

But Shu soon discovered that
even fire could not destroy this book...
that its powers were greater than
he had ever imagined.

When it comes to decadent art
nothing beats a roaring fire.
There are some books so powerful that
their very existence changes the world.
The Bible, the Koran, the Torah
the teachings of Buddha.
These have fueled human progress
and change for millennia.
I can't believe it.
Even Shu could not stop this work
from coming into being.

Over the years, pages of the original
were secretly copied by brave scholars
until the whole book was finally printed.
So your story has a happy ending.
What do you need me for?
Shu and the Masters never stopped...
trying to destroy the original manuscript.
I don't could these
censors still be alive?

Their spirits live on here in the world
of the Emperor's tomb.
