The Lost Empire

Our could've worked
But it didn't, Great Sage Monkey.
So we must go
Nick, I'm glad I did it.
I would do it again
If he testifies against us tomorrow
it could ruin everything.
We mustn't leave anything to chance
That human...let's see what
we can find out about him.

So we were taken to the
Jade Emperor's courtroom,

where all the gods and goddesses
came to watch our trials.

I'm glad someone is finally saying it:
"Journey to the West" is
a piece of propaganda!

I heard that Monkey wasn't
even that brave,

and that it was Buddha himself
who really fought the demons!

And that pig...the less said, the better!
As Shu and the Masters sat down
I can only hope...
I had convinced Author Wu
to trust us.

But what I didn't know was that
Shu had one more trick...

up Confucius' sleeve
