The Lost Empire

These extremists do not
represent our culture.

Now I see, it is Monkey and his friends
who have defended true
Chinese values:

a Middle Way
in which authority shows respect
for creativity and freedom of spirit.

To Pigsy, who learned, under the most
terrible conditions to resist his appetite,

we award the rank of "Buddha"
And Monkey, you have at last earned
the coveted title of "Teacher".

Your Majesty. Actually
it is the Scholar who taught me...
to respect the power of love.

The mark of a true teacher is one
who learns from his students.

As for Friar Sand, who seeks
the ability to laugh...

even we cannot help you there.
But consider this:
Author Wu only agreed to come
to the world above

because you did not laugh at his story
You mean, it can be good
to be without humor?

Then all these centuries,
I have been worried about nothing?

That is funny, Your Imperial Majesty!
Your Majesty, given my behavior
I would certainly be willing
to accept a slight demotion.

Lord Confucius, I knew you
would understand.

And you can perform your new duties
as Manager of the Imperial Outhouses.

As for the Five Traditional Masters
for their crimes, they shall remain here.
Where they will be transformed
into earthworms.

So their souls may spend
the next five thousand years
