The Mexican

You get on that plane,
you will never, never,
ever see me again.

You got me?We talked about this.
l told you...

I wanted us to go
to Las Vegas for me.

- Not you, no. Me.
- Baby,you're over reacting. Okay?

Don't do that! Don't you do that!
Don't diminish my needs!

Sweet heart, I don't have a choice.
I gotta go.

-l go down there.
l come right back.
- ""I, I, I, I, I!""

- I wonder what the group
would have to say about that.
- No!

You cannot use that against me!
We are not even technically
married yet, but I go, don't I?

Yes. The whole group
thinks we're married.

I accepted the potato slicer
graciously for our anniversary.

Right, sweets?
I go along.

That's it.That is it.
You--You--You go along!

You don't want to get married
to me, and this is the way
that you're dealing with it.i

Huh?You're back to
the same old selfish,

- disgustingself.
-Oh, God.You are--

You're missing the grand design here.i
lfl don't go, l'm dead.

Yeah.And it's a little difficult
to carry on a relationship...

if l'm stuffed with straw
and formaldehyde.

- Now, if anyone--
anyone is being selfish--
-Oh! Now you blame-shift?

-You are blame-shifting?
-Stop the analyzing!

- Screeching I'm calling a time-out!

- Muttering
- Muttering

All right.
Jerry, I want you
to acknowledge...

that my needs mean nothing
to you and you are
a selfish prick and a liar.

-Oh, my God!
-Jerry, acknowledge.

I will acknowledge
that I promised I would go
to Vegas with you.

But now we're just
slightly delayed.

If you want to construe
my wanting to stay alive
as being selfish,

well, then, okay.
