The Mexican

Now it belongs to me.
Man Yeah,Vegas.
It can be tough that way.

-Man]Yeah, emotionally.

Let's just say that l had
a serious relationship problem.

Oh.You fit right in here.
What do you do now, Frank?
Now, I am... a postman.
Get out of here.
-That's so rigid.
-Swear to God. No, come on.

-There's a seedy under belly
to the postal service.
- Is that the key to it?

And that's the key.
You have no ide a how many small,
unmarked brownpaper packages l deliver.

-What, porno?
-Yeah, daily.

Like what?
Videos, blow-up dolls,
dildos, pocket pussies.

- Don't leave nothing out.
-Oh,yeah? Hmm.

But,you know, even with all
that dirty excitement at my fingertips,

I still have to take off
once a year.

So I just walk out the front door
and I know I'm going to Vegas.

l just don't know how.
All I've got is my wallet
and an attitude.

I don't know,
it keeps me sane.

guns don't kill people.

Postal workers do.
Muttering In Spanish
Okay,you're all set,
Mr. Shurker.

If you go to the front there,
a shuttle will take you to your car.

What kind of car
is it exactly?

It's a Chrysler, sir,

-You wouldn't happen to have
something a little more--
- Raoul!
