The Mexican

So I just walk out the front door
and I know I'm going to Vegas.

l just don't know how.
All I've got is my wallet
and an attitude.

I don't know,
it keeps me sane.

guns don't kill people.

Postal workers do.
Muttering In Spanish
Okay,you're all set,
Mr. Shurker.

If you go to the front there,
a shuttle will take you to your car.

What kind of car
is it exactly?

It's a Chrysler, sir,

-You wouldn't happen to have
something a little more--
- Raoul!

Yeah, man!
Yeah. Never fear,
Teddy's here.

How are you?
Speaking Spanish
Come on,Jerry. The Mexican thief,
the dirty cop?

I mean,the word is out.
It's a big-ticket item.

A lot of fucking people
are interested in that gun.

No fucking way.
Is that what they think?

That I'm selling them out?
I don't know,Jerry.
Maybe they think you're scared
and might do the wrong thing.

- Ted.
-You know, I don't know.

- I'm just doing
my god damn portion here.
-Yeah, and what is that?
