The Mexican

La pistola sparò all'indietro
e lo uccise.

Secondo la leggenda
questa pistola è maledetta.

A me non è successo niente!
Gli sto sempre con gli occhi addosso.

Guarda. Dentro c'è una pallottola.
E' fatta a mano. Ti rendi conto?
Finally the day had come.
No one had ever laid eyes
on a more beautiful gun.

lt was everything
they thought it would be.

Some even thought it was
too beautiful to look at.

lt was considered to be an honor
and good luck...

to be the first hand that
fires a newly fashioned gun-

especially one
as beautiful as this,

made for the hand
of a nobleman.

The towns man was in a trance
at the gun's flawless craftsmanship.
