The Others

ANNE: Are you going to be
our new nanny?

Yes, my dears.
I'm your new nanny.

It's time for their breakfast.
Lydia, go to the kitchen
and close every shutter.

[Keys jingle]
The doctors were never able
to find a cure.

For what?
Their condition.
The children have
a very serious allergy to light.

They are photosensitive
and must never be exposed...

to any light
much stronger than this.

in a matter of minutes...

they will break out
in sores and blisters...

and begin to suffocate.
It would eventually be fatal.
MRS MILLS : good heavens.
I don 't like this toast.
oh ? why not?
It tastes funny.
I liked it better before.
That's because before,
somebody else made it.

when are they coming back?
They're not coming back, child.
Just like Daddy.
Daddy is coming back, though.
Mrs Mills, our father's
fighting in a war in France.

NICHOLAS : It's the world war.
I know, but he 's in France.
That's enough, chatterboxes.
Finish up your breakfasts.

Are you going to leave us, too ?
of course not!
why should I leave you?
The others
said they wouldn 't...

but they did,
and then it happened.

Be quiet!
what do you mean, Anne ?
what happened?

Mummy went... mad.
-Nothing happened.
- Yes, it did.

-No, it didn 't!
- Yes, it did!

GRACE: Be quiet.
what's going on ?
I want those plates empty...
