The Others

when are they coming back?
They're not coming back, child.
Just like Daddy.
Daddy is coming back, though.
Mrs Mills, our father's
fighting in a war in France.

NICHOLAS : It's the world war.
I know, but he 's in France.
That's enough, chatterboxes.
Finish up your breakfasts.

Are you going to leave us, too ?
of course not!
why should I leave you?
The others
said they wouldn 't...

but they did,
and then it happened.

Be quiet!
what do you mean, Anne ?
what happened?

Mummy went... mad.
-Nothing happened.
- Yes, it did.

-No, it didn 't!
- Yes, it did!

GRACE: Be quiet.
what's going on ?
I want those plates empty...

in less than a minute.
Is that clear?

Mrs Mills, would you
come outside a moment?

I'd like a word with you.
Yes, ma 'am.
The postman usually
comes every wednesday.

But I just checked
the letter-box...

and this week he hasn 't.
I'm afraid
I don 't follow, ma 'am.

This letter
should have been collected...

and delivered to
the newspaper five days ago.

It's an adverisement
for servants.

Since it was never published...
would you explain
what you 're doing here ?

oh, I understand.
Ma 'am, that's what
I was going to say to you...

when you opened the door to us.
The truth is
that we just come by...

on the off chance.
A big house like this...
is always in need of someone
who knows the ropes.

You 've served in a house
like this one before ?

This may come as a surprise
to you, ma 'am, but...

we, in fact,
used to work here.
