The Princess Diaries

An attractive weirder.
It's not attractive.

Seat belts, please.
LILLY: What I really
can't understand...

you ditched me
again yesterday...

when I needed your help
on the Greenpeace petition.

This bag!
You have one of these bags?

You know we could hock that...
and feed a whole
Third World country?

Am I right?
If there are
no more passengers...

I think
we should close the door.

LILLY: You used
to care more about...

what was inside your head
instead of on it.

Come on, Mia. Fess up.
I don't know
where you are these days...

and now you're turning
into an A-crowd wanna be?

You're morphing into
one of them!

And who knows, next week...
you could be waving
pom-poms in my face.

You sold out!
Was my rear-view mirror
fogging up...

or was someone tearing
back there?

I'm fine.
Very well. Then I'll go
meet your grandmother.

But you should know that...
no one can make you feel
inferior without your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt said that.
Yes. Another special lady
like yourself.

I'll be back at 3:00.
Thank you.
She has a hat.
Do you really think
wearing that hat...

will keep people from
seeing your new Lana-do?

Just because
the student population...

might be morally bankrupt
doesn't mean they're blind.

Just stop it, OK?

Just because your hair sucks,
get off mine!

MICHAEL: Ouch. Thank you.
Michael, can you please
pretend you have a life...

for just one moment?
Hey, relax. Breathe.
Hee. Hoo. Hee.
