The Princess Diaries

Was my rear-view mirror
fogging up...

or was someone tearing
back there?

I'm fine.
Very well. Then I'll go
meet your grandmother.

But you should know that...
no one can make you feel
inferior without your consent.

Eleanor Roosevelt said that.
Yes. Another special lady
like yourself.

I'll be back at 3:00.
Thank you.
She has a hat.
Do you really think
wearing that hat...

will keep people from
seeing your new Lana-do?

Just because
the student population...

might be morally bankrupt
doesn't mean they're blind.

Just stop it, OK?

Just because your hair sucks,
get off mine!

MICHAEL: Ouch. Thank you.
Michael, can you please
pretend you have a life...

for just one moment?
Hey, relax. Breathe.
Hee. Hoo. Hee.
[ Playing harmonica ]
What did you just say to me?
You heard me.
I am so sick...
of you ragging on me
all the time...

and always telling me
what to do.

I get enough of that
from my mother...

and now my grandmother,
and I don't need it from you!

I'm not an idiot...
so I know something's going on
you're not telling me!

Friends tell,
so you know what?

Here is your friendship charm.
I'm taking it off
and it's going in the dirt!

Don't do that, OK?

All right, just wait.
I will tell you the truth...
but you're gonna think
it's really stupid...

and you're gonna freak.
Try me.
[ Buzzing ]
[ Gasps ] Shut up!
Shut up! Shut up!
Is that all you can say?
I'm sorry I was harsh...
