Thirteen Ghosts

l followed them and l saw him
pouring the soup and smiling....

lt was a total accident.
She told the press l tried to kill her.
That's crazy. She loves to overreact.

We have a saying, Edward.
What is that? Bean salad?
What does that mean?
l don't know what it means.
lt's very old.

l'm making progress.
l feel more secure.

A lot more secure.
Do l seem more secure?

You look great.
Whatever they're doing, it's working.

Your face has color. l'm in love.
They say two weeks here
changes your life.

-When are two weeks up?
-Six months ago.

-But l'm getting close to something.
-l can see that.

-Did you watch Larry King last night?
-l was in the isolation tank.

The reason l bring it up
is Gwen was on.

-She took kind of a beating.
-She did, did she?

You, young lady, are nobody
without Eddie! Nobody likes you!

Never go anywhere without Eddie.
You're nothing. You're nothing!

-Get her out of here now! Nothing!
-l'm so sorry, Larry.

l guess she got what she deserved.
Why are you here? Kiss Gandhi goodbye,
and let's get ready for the junket.

-l'm not going! l'm not ready.
-The studio and the movie need you.
