Thirteen Ghosts

Your face has color. l'm in love.
They say two weeks here
changes your life.

-When are two weeks up?
-Six months ago.

-But l'm getting close to something.
-l can see that.

-Did you watch Larry King last night?
-l was in the isolation tank.

The reason l bring it up
is Gwen was on.

-She took kind of a beating.
-She did, did she?

You, young lady, are nobody
without Eddie! Nobody likes you!

Never go anywhere without Eddie.
You're nothing. You're nothing!

-Get her out of here now! Nothing!
-l'm so sorry, Larry.

l guess she got what she deserved.
Why are you here? Kiss Gandhi goodbye,
and let's get ready for the junket.

-l'm not going! l'm not ready.
-The studio and the movie need you.

l don't care about the movie.
How is it? Good?

l've only seen the beginning,
but it's fantastic.

Hold it up to your ear,
you'll scream ''Oscar.''

-No, l'm not going.
-Gwen'll be there.

You want to see her?
-No. lt's too soon.
-lt's a year and a half.

Get it over with.
She fell in love with another guy.

lt happens.
Never to me, but if it did,
l wouldn't hide like some pussy!

l'm not a pussy.
l'm still getting treatment.

This is serious stuff. My wellness
guide won't let me just go.

-You can go.
-You sure?

You just said l was a flower in
a stream, but a branch blocks my way.

You read too much into my words.
Listen to your heart.

-l'm the flower. l wanna stay.
-You're funny. We'll miss you.

-Don't forget to be grateful.
-l'm grateful.

l'm grateful for the sun.
for the stars in the sky--
