Town & Country

PIease, pIease
get off my fIoor!

Honey, I'm sure it's aII
just a mistake.

She said she's gonna
divorce him.

No, she won't.
What do you think?

PIaid or batik?
But I'II teII you,
on this finger...

the wedding ring is not--oh!
You know, whatever
this big secret is...

it better be worth
getting Lyme disease.

Are you having an affair?
-Yes, I am.
-Not good. Not good.

I need to know
how you know about this...

because I don't want
Mona to find out about it.

Mona toId me.
She foIIowed you this afternoon.
-She foIIowed you.
-What did she say?

She said she saw you
with some redhead...

in some fIea-bag moteI
off the highway.

Did you stand up for me?
That's aII I'm asking.

Of course
I stood up for you...

but I don't have
an awfuI Iot of materiaI...

here to work with,
do I?

What is going on?
What's the matter
with you?

How come she hasn't said
anything to me about it?

She hasn't said anything
to me about it.

Maybe she won't.
You aII right?
Are you aII right?
Are you aII right?
I think I asked you
to Ieave me aIone.

Don't Iook at me.
-Mona, I--
-Don't taIk to me.
