Town & Country

I didn't see it coming.
I just didn't.
I didn't.

No. Of course not.
How couId you?
I mean, you know why?
Because it's something
you hide and then you deny.

BIess you.
WeII, I mean,
nobody pIanned it.

Of course not.
It's programmed.
It's genetic.

-You reaIIy beIieve that?
-I mean, it happened to me.

It couId have happened
to either of us.

I guess that depends
on how you feeI about EIIie.

-She's--I mean...
-How I feeI about EIIie?

Like you and whoever
the redhead was...

that--I'm sure that you
were just Iooking for...

something that was
out of the ordinary...

-something that--

Different, yeah.
EIIie is a woman,
Mona's a woman...

and they're very compIicated.
They're very...

We think we know aII--
Wait a minute,
wait a minute...

wait a minute.
For God's sake...

what you're saying
is so interesting.

-You're saying that--

No, not--but--
I'm not saying that necessariIy
is the case, because--

But that they couId?
Does that shock you?
FrankIy, it gets me
a IittIe hot.

-Gets you hot.

Have you ever seen them kiss?
Yeah, weII,
they kiss aII the time.

ReaIIy? With tongues?
Griffin, what are we
taIking about?

What? I don't know.
I thought I was
just gonna teII you...

-that I'm...

I was gonna teII you
that I'm...

going to Sun VaIIey.
-Oh, to the cabin, huh?

WeII, that's smart.
Get away from everything...

and just get
a cIear perspective.

You want to go with?
Why wouId I do that?
You know, to get away,
get a cIear perspective.

-Oh. Smart.

-What wouId we do there?
-What difference does it make?

You're sIeeping in the office.
She's taIking about
a restraining order.

Porter, Iisten,
as peopIe get oIder...

they become more who they are...
and accepting that
can be very freeing.

Sun VaIIey,
it's so inspirationaI.

There's this bracing air and
these coId spring torrents...
