
I came around a corner and saw
hundreds of people in wardrobe and. . .

. . .horses and dogs.
I was just completely overwhelmed.

The whole set came to life.
It's incredible.

To figure out the signage
and what the buildings look like. . . .

They had to be practical enough
to put fighters in the windows.

I also wanted to design tie-ins. . .
. . .where you could be in Mordechai's
lookout and see the Germans marching.

The way that they built this set
is amazing. It's absolutely amazing.

Some stunt guys getting lit on fire.
The camera's on him, goes to Radha,
to the kids, back to Radha, to Hank.

They're all firing at once.
And that's one piece.

There are four other things going on
at the same time. It's insane.

You want to be tight. Lose that one.
Get that camera over there.

Also tight, like on a hundred,
on a flamethrower over here.

I was having some vodka
with Kazik and Marek.

Kazik said, ''Do you think
the Holocaust could happen again?''

I said in my typical, hopeful way,
''I hope not. ''

He said he thought it could.
Having seen a film
or documentary about it. . .

. . .nothing can compare
to being present at it.

It's just overwhelming to know
that this actually happened.

Mordechai was a teacher
interested in philosophy and history.

He asked, ''How can a moral man maintain
his moral code in an immoral world?''
