
Tevtonci s severa
in Rimljani z juga.

Ti si tevtonske plaèance najel
za osvajanje tujih ozemelj.

Rimljani nam niso nevarni.
-Za zdaj. -Kaj želiš povedati?

Da si šel v Rim Cezarja
prosit, naj pride v Galijo.

Rimske legije bodo
opustošile našo deželo.

Unièili bodo vse,
v kar verjamemo.

Galci bi se morali
združiti pod kraljem.

Pravim ti, brat,
raje imam kralja kot skrite
dogovore z Rimom.

Združimo se. Skupaj bomo
pregnali Tevtonce in Rimljane.

V velikih slavnih bitkah.
Vercingetorix, go!
this is between Arvernes.
Stay out ofit.
No, my boy.
Not that.
I want to save my father.
Yes, ofcourseyou want,
butyou cannot.

I must save my father.
He has to accept his destiny...
and so mustyou.
According to our law...
we must separateyour spirit
from your perverted body.

Foul reptile!
It isn't the law
thatyou serve...

butyour own vile ambition.
And you, my brother,
are no better.

Farewell, Celtill.
the Eduens will not be part
ofsuch treason.
