
Did I do the right thing...
orwill I live to regret it?
You did whatyou thought
was right...

instead ofwhatyou knew
was necessary.

Was that a mistake?
Might does not make right,
nor does wrong.

But might is part ofthis world
ofhuman conflict...

where we all are prisoners.
that's the real trap.
Your incomprehensible talking
does not help me.

Doyou think so?
Now we will do
what Vercingetorix hasn't done.

Like the scorpion...
victory or death.
We'll kill all the inhabitants.
I want a bloodbath.
Caesar, it's not necessary.
All the women...
all the elders...
even all the children--
thanks toyou,
they've all perished.

You abandoned them.
You refused to fight.
You are a coward.
And you'll turn us all
into cowards.

You promised to lead us
to victory.

What victory?
the one he promised
to Caesar?
