About Schmidt

66 must sound too old to
a young one like yourself

The truth is it sounds
pretty old to me too

because when I look into the mirror
and see the wrinkles around my eyes
"and sagging skin on my neck,
head, and my ears"

veins on my ankles
I can't believe
it's really me

When I was a kid
I used to think
maybe I was special

that somehow destinied to
be a great man

Nçot like Walt Disney
or somebody like that

but somebody semi-important
I got a degree
in business statistics

was planning to start
my own business someday

build it up into
a big corporation

watch it go public
maybe make the Fortune 500
I was going to be
the guy you read about

but somehow it just
didn't work out that way

you got to remember l
got top job at Woodman

a family to support
I couldn't put
their security at risk

" Helen, that's my wife"
she wouldn't vote out
What about my family
you might ask

What about my wife and daughter
Don't they give me all the
pride and satisfaction I could want

Helen and I have been
married 42 years

Lately every night I find
myself asking the same question

Who is this old woman who
lives in my house?
