About Schmidt

66 must sound pretty old
to a young fellow like yourself.

The truth is...
it sounds pretty old to me too.

Because when I look in the mirror
and see the wrinkles around my eyes -

- and the saggy
skin on my neck -

- and the hair in my ears
and the veins on my ancles, -

- I...I can't belive
it's really me.

When I was a kid.
I used to think
that maybe I was special, -

- that somehow destiny
tagged me to be a great man.

Not like...Henry Ford or Walt Disney
or somebody like that, -

- but...somebody,
you know...semi-important.

I got a degree in
business and statistics -

- and was planning to
start my business someday, -

- build it up
into a big corporation.

Watch it go public,
you know, -

- maybe make
the Fortune 500.

I was gonna be one of
those guys you read about.

But, somehow... -
- it just didn't...
work out that way.

You gotta remember
I had a topnotch job at Woodman, -

- and...a family to support.
I couldn't exactly
put their security and risk.

Helen...that's my wife.
She wouldn't have allowed it.
But what about my family,
you might ask.

What about my wife,
and daughter?

Don't they give all the pride
and satisfaction I could ever want?

Helen and I
have been married 42 years.

Lately...every night.
I find myself asking
the same question:
