At kende sandheden

Hello, l'm Richard Malmros.
Johannes lversen ...
This is my son, Karl.
He's been taken ill.

We were out fishing.
- On the North Sea yesterday.

He suddenly got
a violent headache.

lt took 20 hours to reach port.
Now his left arm
and leg are weak.

Did he lose consciousness?
- No.

His blood pressure is 160 over 1 10.
His pulse, 84.

Hello, Karl. How are you feeling?
Where does it hurt?

My head.
Whereabouts on your head?
- Here.

His neck is stiff. They did a lumbar
puncture in Ringkøbing.

There was blood in the spinal fluid.
Karl, bare your teeth.
Both sides!

l'm afraid Karl has had a stroke.
- ls it dangerous? Can it kill him?

Strokes can be dangerous.
- Can't you give him an operation?

Yes ... we can.
But we'll have to find out
where he's bleeding from.

l'm sure Karl will make it.
He's a strong young man.

We'll have to use a local anaesthetic
so we can see how he's feeling.

Would you like to sit down?
Would you like a cup of coffee?

- Yes.

Just 20 ml.
Karl, we need to X-ray your head.
So l'm going to inject a contrast
medium ... it won't hurt badly.
