We started using it in 1944.
March 1944
Before my clash with Riber.
Please remove your hand.
- lt's agony.
No more pictures, l beg you!
No. We'll make do
with the one X-ray.
Well done, lsaksen.
lt's not a very good image, is it?
Not nearly as clear as Thorotrast.
But we can see what's wrong
with lsaksen, can't we, Riber?
Yes, he has a tumour
in the frontal lobe.
Per-Abrodil doesn't yield good
images. Patients react badly to it.
There may be acute
allergic mortalities.
Nevertheless we'll use Per-Abrodil.
l'm afraid of Thorotrast.
From now on
the orders are no more Thorotrast!
No ...
The tumour is close to the surface.
Yes, so it would be a most suitable
tumour for your first operation.
We only had Per-Abrodil
for 6 months.
By autumn 1944
we were running out.
The German manufacturers
kept getting bombed.
The war was drawing to a close.
The Gestapo and Danish
collaborators terrorized everyone.
Both of them, damn it! Both of them!
No! No!
Don't shoot!
Which way shall we go in?
From the back.
We'll remove the bullet, and then ...
ls the wife dead?
- Yes. lt was sheer murder.
We're going in ...