What's this? The same child?
No. l understand your perplexity.
Two identical twins.
Twins with the same disorder?
- Yes. lt's most interesting.
They both have epilepsy with
focal seizures of the right arm.
They're both got the same
malformed blood vessels.
That may be
the cause of their epilepsy.
Yes, l think you're right.
lt's quite conceivable.
l removed
the deformed blood vessels.
The seizures have ceased.
Well, well! How fascinating!
l'd been thinking of the surgical
treatment of epilepsy for my thesis -
- when l heard about the boys.
May l see the images again?
Did you give them Thorotrast?
Yes. After all, it's all we've got.
You did a Thorotrast test
because they were epileptic?
But epilepsy is not
an indication for Thorotrast!
The whole world uses Thorotrast
for all sorts of tests.
l couldn't care less
about the rest of the world.
This department only uses Thorotrast
for matters of life or death.