At kende sandheden

Are you bitter?
- Yes.

l hear another chemical
could have been used.

Now the hospital tells me
l only have a couple of months left.

We'd have liked to talk
to Professor Richard Malmros ...

When you've forgotten the
Thorotrast case there'll be another.

Before Thorotrast
there were the lobotomies.

They tormented you, too.
You'll never be left in peace.
D'you know who'll never
leave you in peace? Your aunt.

- But Richard, that's why l love you.

lmagine if we were all as
cheerful and irresponsible as l!

lt'd be unbearable!
My mother was also cheerful.
l only ever saw her cry once.

Aunt was to blame.
l got home from school
to find mum crying in the cellar -

- because Aunt Johanne had
been by with a sack of potatoes.

A sack of potatoes was the kind
of alms the charities gave the poor.

Why do you hoard
all these humiliations so?
