At kende sandheden

l used small doses.
They're young.

That makes it even worse. lt'll stay
in their bodies all life long.

What will happen
in 10, 20, 50 years' time?

Their lives weren't at risk!
But l've cured their seizures!
He must have operated
on 10,000 patients in his life.

My childhood was a torment thanks
to his concern for his patients.

He ought to be taking it easy now.
But he's tormenting himself.

''The happy days of old age
Ne'er will they return''!

Goodbye, Mum.
l had surgery
for a brain tumour in 1946 -

- and now they say
l have cancer of the liver.

They used Thorotrast?
- So it turns out.

Are you bitter?
- Yes.

l hear another chemical
could have been used.

Now the hospital tells me
l only have a couple of months left.

We'd have liked to talk
to Professor Richard Malmros ...

When you've forgotten the
Thorotrast case there'll be another.

Before Thorotrast
there were the lobotomies.

They tormented you, too.
You'll never be left in peace.
D'you know who'll never
leave you in peace? Your aunt.

- But Richard, that's why l love you.

lmagine if we were all as
cheerful and irresponsible as l!

lt'd be unbearable!
My mother was also cheerful.
l only ever saw her cry once.

Aunt was to blame.
