Bloody Sunday

Stewards, keep this...
Don't touch it.
What the hell is that, lads?
Brits out! Brits out!
We don't want youse here!
Recon is passing
my forward locations

and there's a small amount
of stoning going on there.


That's the Paras getting stoned
from up here, sir.

So, the head of...
the head of...

Why are One Para
showing themselves?

It's the chaps on the wall, sir.
OPs and wire cutters
for when they have
to go through.

If the crowd sees the Paras
that'll inflame the situation,

Thank you, Frank.
-You have to go through.

Head of the column
approaching Aggro Corner. Out.

Sir, this is where we hope
they're going to turn.

Well, that's what they said.
People, we're just going right
at the corner here!

Follow me! Let's go.
Keep back there, folks.
Keep moving here.
People, we're turning right

Turning right. Thank you.
The march is proceeding
to the right.

If you go that way, you'll have
no part in this demonstration.

They're turning the wrong way,

They're going right.
We going to get
to the Guildhall.

We're going to the Guildhall.
Come on. Push through them.
Come on, Gerry.
Gerry, good man, good man.
Let's give them hell!
A small number
from the middle of the crowd

are breaking away,
I repeat, breaking away.

Running down towards
serial One-Four. Over.

Running down towards
serial One-Four. Over.

This demonstration is proceeding
to the right.

Ivan, I told you
this would happen.

Keep them coming this way!
Follow peacefully to the right,
thank you.

Keep coming this way!
Just relax, man.
Listen, we have got
to keep the crowd going.

If the truck keeps going
to Free Derry Corner

that will be the beacon.
They will follow it.
Right, you stay here.
I'm going down to the barrier.
