Bloody Sunday

Okay, everyone, come on.
Everyone behind the lorry.
Follow the lorry.

We must stick together.
Stick together, folks.
We're not splitting up.
No trouble today.
We're not going
to the Guildhall.

Stay behind the lorry.
We are sticking together.
Come on.

Sorry, no, folks, wrong way.
We're supposed to go back
to Free Derry Corner.

Let me through there, folks.
They're past barrier 12
and are actually, in fact,
heading directly for us.

Yeah, that's
just what we predicted.

Yes, indeed.
Well, you'd better
stand the men by.

Just coming down there now, sir.
This isn't the march, this is...
This is the breakaway group.
They're coming down
to barrier 14.

They're trying to get
to the Guildhall.

Yobbos, obviously trying
to cause some trouble.

Get out!
Get out to fuck,
you British bastards.

Boys, get back, get back!
Get out to fuck.
That's Cooper, boys.
Out! Out! Brits out!
Have you got your stones?
I've got stones.
For God's sake,
get all of these boys back.

Excuse me. I'm lvan Cooper.
I'm a member of Parliament.
Will you give me some time...
This is an illegal gathering.
You must disperse!
Hey! Hey! Cut that out.
You must disperse!
Cut that out.
Take a shot.
Take a shot, you said?
I'll take a shot.
This is Nine-Zero Alpha.
I have reports
of the crowd becoming hostile

at Zero-14, um,
throwing bricks at center. Over.

I want to know
how many yobbos are that...

are that way
up towards the barrier from us.

Sigs, I want to find out
from the O.P.

how many we're going
to scoop up, if we go now.

Contact the barriers
at 12 and 14

and tell them to be ready
to move those barriers fast
if we need them.

Boys, round me, please.
It's kicked off
at barrier 14, right?

This is it, we're going
to start going in pretty soon.

We've got to stop
with the stones there...
